A Hundred Indecisions

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pixar poisoning

We've watched Finding Nemo about 27 times in the past 2 weeks. At first it was nice that something was keeping Miss M's attention for more than 18 minutes at a time. But somewhere around viewing number 19 I started experiencing the following symptoms:
  • singing "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" at odd moments
  • imagining Robert Barone as a puffer fish while watching Everybody Loves Raymond
  • humming "somewhere, beyond the sea, somewhere, waiting for me..."
  • craving a glimpse of the big blue ocean
  • feeling disconcerted when I see Ellen Degeneres and she's not actually bright blue
I think I'll be OK, I've got lots of strength to fight this off. But I think Miss M is starting to experience symptoms as well... last night I heard her chanting, "shark-bait, hoo-hah-hah".


  • During fits of rage I start singing 'Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!' to myself too, and I have only seen Nemo once. I know my trend will soon end, once Syd discovers this too.

    By Blogger TL, at 9/24/2006 1:17 PM  

  • What El picked up from this movie was talking the surfer-boy turtle: what's up, little bro? Coming out of a 3-year old's mouth is hysterical.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/05/2006 8:12 AM  

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