A Hundred Indecisions

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Creepy Commercials

There are a couple of commercial campaigns getting airplay right now that just freak-me-right-out-of-my shoes. First and foremost, the Burger King "Wake up with the King" commercials which have that guy in the scary, plastic, over-sized, bobble-headed king costume giving greasy breakfast food to people in their own homes is just terrifying. I mean, it's like a giant royal Pez dispenser grew legs and is lurking outside the window of an unexpecting suburbanite who just happens to be contemplating breakfast options. Freaky, I tell you.

The other commercials that give me the heebie-jeebies are the Quizno's talking baby commercials. Something about the pixelated, moving mouth (as though the baby were really talking with the voice of a 30 something man) just makes my skin crawl.

I guess it's time for me to turn off the TV when I can be this critical of commercials. It's not as if I really have that much time to watch TV nowadays. But I'm a committed viewer for a handful of shows: ER, Lost, and Desperate Housewives. My hubby is a West Wing fan, so I tune in to that one frequently as well. But other than that, I've really let go of most shows I used to depend on for entertainment. RIP my addiction to the following: Trading Spaces, Law and Order (without Benjamin Bratt or Jerry Orbach, it's just not the same), The Apprentice, and CSI. I still catch the odd episode here and there of these shows, but not regularly.

Actually, I had to give up watching most forsenic science, unsolved murder mystery shows, both the fiction and the nonfiction-history-channel varieties. It got to the point where I would dream about coming home to find someone cutting up a body in my bath tub or burying a corpse in my back yard. Not sweet dreams. I guess I'm just too susceptible to that kind of stuff right now. Nothing but comedies before bed for me (on those rare nights the TV is on before bed). Old reruns of Cheers or MASH produce much more pleasant dreams.

Speaking of which, my bed is calling me now. Wonder if I dream about anything in particular when I blog right before bed?


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