A Hundred Indecisions

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Just call me J-GLO

I have to admit, during the first several months of the pregnancy, I was supremely skeptical of the whole "glowing" state of pregnancy. Constant nausea, fatigue, skin blemishes, and a swollen belly that just looked fatter instead of pregnant were not exactly physical changes that I would have classified as "glowing". For awhile, I was so cranky, I figured someone MUST have made a typo years and years ago. They meant to classify pregnant woman as "glowering". According the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, glowering means to look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger. This description pretty much fit my first trimester perfectly.

However, I have been feeling better lately. This past weekend I survived three major social events, all within 30 hours, and had no real complaints except for tired feet! One wedding, one bridal brunch shower, and one fiftieth wedding anniversary party were crammed into two days. At the wedding, I basically knew not a soul. They were all work acquaintances of my husband. I just hung out and people-watched. The bridal shower was an intimate gathering and I was fairly relaxed as I knew over half the folks there.

The anniversary party was a big family affair. I saw lots of cousins that I don't see all that often, many from out of town. It was a nice afternoon and we received lots of congratulations. I got many compliments from my female relatives, and many said I was "glowing" with that mysteriously indefinable pregnancy glow.

I think there must be a secret sect of the society of motherhood, their sole mission is to perpetuate the myth that pregnant women "glow". Once you survive pregnancy, labor, delivery, you become aware that women would not sign up voluntarily for this lifestyle if they knew they truth about pregnancy. Everyone knows that labor and delivery is hard and painful, but there is semi-immediate gratification when your little bundle of joy is delivered into your weary arms. But the whole pregnany itself isn't exactly a picnic!

Oh, I know there are probably women out there who felt fabulous during their pregnancy and joyfully spent the nine months basking in the "glow". I know this, just like I know that supermodels and endangered snow leopards really do exist in small numbers.

Anyway, as a mother, it's your duty to perpetuate the myth of the "glow" to insure the propogation of the species. For now, I'm willing to play along, at least for awhile. My swollen belly actually looks pregnant (I've "popped", according to current online bulletin board lingo), my energy levels are improving, and my skin isn't exactly rosy, but it is improving. So, if you see me walking down the street, reach for your shades and don't be blinded by the "glow"!


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