A Hundred Indecisions

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Mom Hair

I refuse. I simply refuse to be one of those mothers who gets the sensible, low-maintenance, short & perky hair cut. I refuse for several reasons:
  1. I have issues with my neck: the skin there has some dryness issues and is best left hidden under long hair.
  2. I am not perky. I have a 5 month old, I do not have the energy to even think perky thoughts.
  3. While I am low maintenance, in the past, I've always found that shorter haircuts on my head require more styling and general fotzing-with in the mornings to look half-way decent. For me, long hair means comb through with detangler, blow dry, and put back with either a pony-tail holder, headband, or clips. Easy-peasy.
  4. I was warned by the pregnancy books, as well as by my own mother, that my hair would fall out after the baby. Nobody bothered to explain that it would be about 5 months after the birth. I kept thinking I'd lucked out... but then, last week, the fallout began. Yesterday I cleaned up enough hair off my bathroom counter and sink to make a nice wig for a balding barbie doll. If I get my hair cut short, I might as well go bald myself.
All these reasons withstanding, I do need a haircut. Desperately. I haven't had it cut in nearly a year! I have split ends out the ying-yang. My daughter is starting to grab my hair and put great gobs of it into her mouth (mmmm, I know Shaper Hairspray smells nice, but it can't possibly taste good). I've been procrastinating, using that "I'm a new mom, I just don't have time..." excuse. But I just can't put it off any longer.

Also, I had a realization the other day, seemingly out of nowhere. I've always been disappointed in hair cuts. No matter how talented the stylist is, I never seem satisfied with the cut. But I realized that I was going into each haircut with totally unrealistic expectations. I kept thinking a hair cut was going to magically make me look thinner, and guess what? It's not going to happen. Wanna know why? Because I'm fat, and no haircut is going to change that fact.

So, now that I've scaled back my expectations, all I need to do is schedule an appointment. Maybe tomorrow the gods of procrastination and lame excuses will be off on holiday and I'll actually make that call!


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