A Hundred Indecisions

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Girls Gone Wild in her future?

Girls Gone Wild in her future?
Girls Gone Wild in her future?,
originally uploaded by Tacey.
This better be the ONLY picture ever taken of my daughter, at any age, in this particular state of dress: topless and wearing Mardi Gras beads...


  • Syd is into showing us her belly button now when we ask. She will pull her shirt way up and I yell Mardi Gras and her Daddy gets so mad at me. I hope this is the only time she partakes in this type of showing off but I know that I am doomed!!

    By Blogger TL, at 2/28/2006 1:07 PM  

  • GOod luck ya'll!!! Since I have personally attended Mardi Gras with the mommy, I'd say she doesn't have a chance in the world!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/24/2006 9:32 PM  

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