A Hundred Indecisions

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

MS Walk 2008

My husband is participating in the MS Walk this year. Over the past several years, he's had problems with his shoulder and, for a while, the doctors were leaning towards MS as the cause; eventually they ruled it out, at least for the time being. But, through this medical journey, we've learned a lot about this disease and he wanted to help. One of his old teachers who was a great inspiration to him is also suffering from this debilitating disease. Click here to sponsor him on his Walk!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Lelli Kelly Folly

Am I a bad mother for gagging at the thought of paying $70.00 for hand-beaded italian shoes for my preschooler? This company has been advertising their shoes on the Cartoon Network and, of course, my daughter thinks they are BEE-YOO-Ti-FuLLLLLLLLLLLL.

I mean, it's not like I'm Katie Holmes or Posh Spice. I'm sure REAL haute couture shoes for toddlers exist, AND cost even more than $70.00. But I really have trouble justifying spending that much on shoes for myself that could be worn for years, much less on shoes for a 3 year old who will have outgrown them within 6-9 months.

I'm thinking we're going to have to find something similar and break out the glue gun and some beads & sequins. Although she's in preschool, I don't think my budding little fashionista will be laughed out of class if she shows up in some snazzy home-bedazzled knock offs. Or will she??